African Arts & Crafts - Sculptor of Bull Horns:  Elliot Mkhungo - Background

Elliot Mkungo.  South African sculptor.  Hand carves bird from bull horn.

Birds carved from bull horn by Elliot Mkhungo.    Elliot Mkhungo is a sculptor who lives in Murchinson on the South Coast of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

   He supports his 5 sisters and 1 brother by sculpting birds from bull horns. He learned this craft from his grandfather when he went to stay with him after the death of his mother and the amputation of both his father's legs.

   Due to these circumstances he was forced to leave school in 1993 and has only been able to recommence his schooling in 1996 after earning money selling his crafts.

   He aims to further his education and hopes to one day be in the Police or an Admin Clerk.  

   Elliot plans on opening a factory where

Hand carved birds from bull horn.

Elliot Mkhungo, African artists.

disabled people can generate money with their skills as craftspeople.  As they are unable to look for work he would like to help them this way as soon as he has sufficient funds.

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